December 8, 2008

Bush bids us adieu

Oh, America. Eight years went by so fast, didn't they?

I feel like I hardly got to know you and methodically undermine everything you once stood for. But I guess all good things must come to an end, and even though you know I would love to stick around for another year or four—maybe privatize Social Security or get us into Iran—I'm afraid it's time to go. But before I leave, let me say, from the bottom of my heart: I can't think of another country I would've rather led to the brink of collapse.
It's just gonna be so hard packing up my things and heading off into the sunset come January. I wish I could go on forever giving massive and disastrous tax cuts to the wealthy, taking the country from a surplus to a deficit—nearly $500 billion this year, likely to pass $1 trillion next year, fingers crossed—and just generally doing irreparable damage to the very underpinnings of our economy, but, well, I'm afraid the Constitution says I can't. And not even I can overrule the Constitution. Though Lord knows I tried! Initiating blanket wiretaps without warrants, suspending habeas corpus for prisoners in Guantanamo, infiltrating an unknown number of nonviolent civilian antiwar groups without permission… such wonderful memories. I'm going to cherish them forever.

MORE from The Onion.


At 12/09/2008 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, he *did* sign the No-Call Registry into law. And his work in fighting AIDS globally is pretty impressive; even Bob Geldof said as much. A broken watch still ends up being right once in a while.

But I'm still quite glad he and his neocon chums are nearing retirement.

At 12/09/2008 5:30 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Pretty thin gruel there for things he did right.

Besides, the "do-not-call" registry is now essentially a personal info gathering resource for the feds.

I signed up for it when it was instituted and when the time period expired, I went to the site to renew it.

There I found that they'd now added a requirement that every applicant provide all kinds of information, including name, address, and much more, despite the fact that all they need to add someone to the list is their phone number only, which is all you had to provide a few years ago when the program was started.

If you didn't provide all this personal information to be kept in a government database, you couldn't be added to the list.

The hell with that.

Bush was an umitigated disaster as president, and will be rememmbered in history as such. The guy didn't even like government, didn't believe in doing anything for the people with it, and didn't much care to even learn about it.

Historians will be astounded that we ever elected such an obviously unqualified dufus to the highest office in the land... TWICE.

At 12/09/2008 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Historians are already astounded that we elected Nixon twice. A buncha tomes are set to be penned trying to puzzle out why the U.S. electorate from 1968 to 2004 was overridingly a pack of numbskulls, I'm betting.

Re the Registry, I thought that by the time the initial 5 yrs. was up, the US Gov had changed the rules so that renewal wasn't required, courtesy of the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in Feb. 2008. Since the Registry started in June 2003, I shouldn't think renewal was ever necessary. At least, that's what I re-member.

At 12/10/2008 12:50 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I hope that's the case and that you're correct.

But I'm suddenly getting a lot of calls from "unknown" or "unavialable" lately, which of course I don't answer. I hope they're not sales calls.


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