September 8, 2005

A Hero emerges

Dick "Dick" Cheney finally emerged from his spider-hole and appeared on the scene in the disaster zone (actually, he's presided over a big disaster zone for 5 years now).

As Cheney droned on about his concerns for insurance corporations and the need to deny aid to people who didn't have insurance, one of the first true heroes of the Katrina disaster emerged. His brief shining moment was beautiful in its simplicity and stunning in it's perfection.

While Cheney droned on describing how well the relief efforts were going, this true American, standing off camera, said in a firm voice, "Go fuck yourself Mr. Cheney, then paused, and as Dick looked up, said "Go fuck yourself" eye to eye as to leave no doubt.

Crooks and Liars has it here.

It was enough to stagger the Dick, and one can only imagine that his mechanical heart must have stripped a few gears. It threw him off his stride, and the moment entered the history books. It will surely be taught to school children alongside the midnight ride of Paul Revere.

No word yet on the identity of the true patriot who uttered such a poetically justified suggestion to Cheney, nor what happened to him afterwards. (He'll probably end up in Gitmo, which Cheney himself once described as almost a tropical resort.)

Whoever this nameless patriot is, long suffering millions around the globe humbly offer their sincere, "Thanks."

No word yet on Sen. Pat Leahy's response.

Note: Interestingly, CNN initially played the scene live, then played the clip again a bit later with the offending word bleeped out. PBS, no doubt scared of their conservative overseers who want to destroy them) are running a clip of Cheney's comments prior to the "offensive" remarks, then ommitting the video and audio of the "offensive" remark as the reporter says that someone "shouted obscenities" at Cheney, and then resuming the clip after the remarks. (Where the reporter asks Cheney if he's heard that a lot.)

Now, in CNN reports, it too has "sanitized" the clip and omits the heckler's comment completely. In other words, they omit the "offensive" comment, both audio and video, denying viewers the knowledge that the anonymous patriot was only repeating Cheney's own memorable phrase said to Sen. Leahy on the floor of the Senate. They then show Cheney's self-serving reaction in which he says that was the first time he'd heard anything negative during his tour and laughs it off.

How is this fair? How could a viewer get a complete idea of what happened? Isn't the fact that this courageous person had repeated Cheney's own phrase an important and key part of the story?

Why would they feel the need to omit the comment entirely rather than simply bleeping out the offensive words?


At 9/08/2005 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go fuck yourself, dope.

At 9/09/2005 2:47 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Nah, not tonight, I have a headache. Besides, I'd have to take myself out, get myself drunk, take myself back home, play some smooth music, lie my ass off to myself, and all that stuff. Too much trouble. And I'd never respect myself in the morning.

But why so surly? The fact that you're in Quincy realizing your fearless leader is an umitigated disaster? The fact that the nation is finally catching up to the rest of the world in realizing that Chimpy is a sham excuse of a leader? Is that what's got you down?

Hey, you can always go back under that conservative rock you crawled out from under 5 years ago. I'm sure it's still cozy.

Sure, you'll be considered a blow-hard fool for your intolerant, close-minded and selfish beliefs, not to mention all the failed policies you've supported, but you're lucky in that progressives and liberals are a forgiving sort and believe that everyone can be redeemed. We'll be here for you to help you through the difficult deprogramming process.

By the way, John Stewart on tonight's "The Daily Show" said that Cheney in his remarks praised the local emergency medical crews for doing a fine job. They'd already revived him three times.

At 1/06/2006 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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