September 7, 2005

Katrina Timeline

Use this to rebut all the wing-nuts who are desperately trying to re-write recent history.

Think Progress provides an excellent timeline of events of Hurricane Katrina beginning pre-landfall and continuing through the aftermath. It's an eye-opener to be sure.

(thanks to Atrios for the link)


At 9/08/2005 7:10 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Why spend time in the White House when you don't do anything anyway? Nothing happening in the country or the world is so important that Bush can't suffer through a half hour briefing to deal with it.

No matter what happens, he knows that all he needs to do is be told what to say, when to say it, and where to say it.

That's the extent of his competence anyway, and he does a poor job of that.

Hell, he can't even bother the hard work of reading newspapers, but has Condi or someone else tell him what the news is.

He is the definition of an empty suit.


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