September 7, 2005

To rebuild or not to rebuild

Here are a few issues for you to express your opinion on.

The first is the debate over whether New Orleans should be rebuilt as a city much as it was. Should the country help the city and residents rebuild? Or as Hastert suggests, should the entire city be abandoned, bulldozed, and left for dead?

Or are there other alternatives to the rebuilding effort?

What are your thoughts?


At 9/08/2005 7:20 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

As a note, look for the wealthy to rebuild the area in their image and for their advantage.

The casino interests are already using the disaster to try to strong-arm local governments realing from the destruction into allowing them to build land-based casinos, rather than on water as they're required to presently.

Also look for the very rich to use this as a golden opportunity to scoop up the property of the poor or middle class for next to nothing and fill the coast with luxury condos and other development.


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