October 12, 2005

How stupid can they get?

Perhaps it's a sign of the times (no pun intended) that a Molly Ivins column is picked up by the QC Times?
The frontrunner is the anti-torture amendment. Sen. John McCain proposed an amendment to the military appropriations bill that would prohibit “cruel, inhuman or degrading” treatment of prisoners in the custody of the U.S. military.

This may strike you as a “goes without saying” proposition — the amendment passed the Senate 90 to nine. The U.S. has been signing anti-torture treaties under Democrats and Republicans for at least 50 years. But the Bush administration actually managed to find some weasel words to create a loophole in this longstanding commitment to civilized behavior.

According to the Bushies, if the United States is holding a prisoner on foreign soil, our soldiers can still subject him or her to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment — the very forms of torture used by the soldiers who were later prosecuted for their conduct at Abu Ghraib. Does this make any sense?

So deeply does President Bush feel our country has a right to torture that he has threatened to veto the bill if it passes. This would be the first time in five years he has ever vetoed anything. Think about it: Five years of stupefying pork, ideological nonsense, dumb administrative ideas, fiscal idiocy, misbegotten energy programs — and the first thing the man vetoes is a bill to pay our soldiers because it carries an amendment saying, once again, that this country does not torture prisoners.


At 10/12/2005 4:56 PM, Blogger QuadCityImages said...

Were you implying that the QCTimes doesn't normally print her columns?

At 10/13/2005 2:12 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that they didn't run Ivins very often, though I admit I don't check their editorial pages online too often. Do they regularly run Molly's column?
I used to subscribe to the print version of the Times, and don't recall seeing her columns.

Anyone with anything to say about what Ivins points out?

At 10/13/2005 8:55 PM, Blogger QuadCityImages said...

I think she's in there several times a week. Every week to be sure.

At 10/14/2005 10:35 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for pointing out my erroneous assumption.

Evidently no one has anything to say about Ivins column.


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