October 10, 2005

JFK loves Iowa

DES MOINES — In a return trip to Iowa, former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry told a group of women activists it is time to reopen the values debate in America.

During a Sunday morning speech, the Massachusetts senator said it is good that religion has become more of a part of the public dialogue in the country as long as faith translates into action.

“Faith without works is dead,” Kerry said.

Close to 150 people packed a small Asian restaurant in Iowa’s capital city for Kerry’s speech in front of a Democratic women’s group.
Kerry's got a good message. But his visit to Iowa raises the troubling spectre of another Kerry presidential run. I'd hate to see that.


At 10/10/2005 4:31 PM, Blogger The Liberal said...

I have my doubts that Kerry could win the nomination again anyway. Afterall, the only reason most of his primary "supporters" voted for him was because of "electability".

Clearly he doesn't have that characteristic anymore, which leaves him with nothing but a long face and boring speech patterns.

At 10/10/2005 6:08 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Kerry is too chewed up. In my humble opinion.

At 10/10/2005 6:18 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

And really, I hate to say this, but I really wish HeadUsher and MaybeSomeday would exchange e-mail addresses and just continue this on their own.

HeadUsher is what's known as a troll, someone how violates common sense and blog ettiquette. He contributes nothing but leaves nothing but inflamatory comments just to get inflamatory responses.

I urge all of you, and ESPECIALLY MaybeSomeday to please don't feed the troll.

I know it may be hard, but the accepted way to deal with people like this is to just totally and utterly ignore them.

When you respond, it only encourages them, just like a grade school bully. He only craves attention. Don't give it to him.

He's a parasite and for all his ranting about how he thinks this blog sucks, he is doing his level best to single-handedly make it suck.

His sole purpose is to disrupt and vandalize the blog. Therefore, don't be alarmed if you see his "comments" vanishing. Enough is enough.

At 10/10/2005 8:32 PM, Blogger Dave Barrett said...

I think the Democrats need to start talking about what they stand for and how they differ from the Republicans. Although 2 out 3 Americans think the country is currently going in the wrong direction this does not translate into automatic support for the Democrats. They need to articulate an alternative vision for America that resonates with the voters.
Senator Kerry is an ideal Democratic leader to start this process.

At 10/11/2005 12:34 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...


You make good points, as usual, though I can't help feeling that your confidence and assessment of Kerry's strength and abilities this time around are a bit optimistic.

But of course, as always...we shall see.

At 10/11/2005 12:44 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

HU... it's finally happened, you've gotten so bizarre that you crack me up!! haha! Damn it. You're so out there that I simply can't take you seriously. But what a relief. The Sheilded from regular commenters thing is hilarious!

You're a first rate buffoon, no doubt about it.

Even though you're an ass, I gotta hand it to you for sheer goofiness.

But there I go, violating my own advise not to feed the troll. Damn it!

It's just so hard not to when you're served up this sort of stuff.

But I can no longer ignore the many requests to do something about it. So by overwhelming popular request from readers who don't appreciate some fanatic hijacking the blog, your posts will be deleted if they're not on topic.

I'm sorry... I truly am. But it's not like you haven't been given a long time to snap out of it. Your little jihad just can't continue, as it detracts from readers ability to enjoy the blog. And frankly, you're nothing but a pain in the ass. I think I've been too nice.

I'm sorry it's come to this, but I've had too many complaints and it's time to take out the trash, as the tough guys say.

In the mean time, I advise readers to try as much as possible to just ignore HU's fun and games and avoid responding to them until I can get around to disappearing them.

Maybe if he cleans up his act and learns how to work and play well with others, he can be welcomed back into the fold. We'll see.
Unfortunately, it's hard to be pissed at someone when they make you laugh.

At 10/11/2005 12:02 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

"OUR" plan? There's no plan, let alone one that we've worked on.

I'm doing what I've always done. I think the comments are coming in because people are sick of reading your rants and my replies to them and are trying.... to their credit, to get things back on an even keel and back to addressing the issues.

I've gotten a LOT of complaints about the ridiculous effort you're making here. People are not impressed. They're routinely disgusted with your foolishness, and rather appalled because they believe that you're actually their state senator. They can't believe that someone in that position would actually behave this way.

As a matter of fact, your antics have attracted a lot of attention, though not the kind you'd want, I'm sure.

I think my announced intention to delete your drivel has encouraged commenters to return so I intend to do so if they're not on topic from now on.

If you want to continue your obsession with the blog, contact me by e-mail.

My readers don't want to hear it and deserve better.

At 10/11/2005 2:45 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

You didn't send me any papers, and you can't afford this blog. Stop resorting to out and out lies in your insane attempt to retaliate.

At 10/13/2005 3:36 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

My humble prediction is that as soon as HeadUsher discontinues his personal war against this blog by posting off topic, offensive, and inflamatory comments, the name calling, etc. will all but vanish.

He is the catalyst for nearly all the ugliness lately.


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