October 12, 2005

Maybe there will be justice?

If Karl Rove goes down in this investigation it'll be a disaster for the president, both in terms of the damage occasioned by such a high-level White House indictment and, frankly, because he needs the guy like most of us need legs.

Tea leaf readers are predicting impending justice for the gang that couldn't shoot straight. If the thought of Karl Rove doing a perp walk gets you hot, read the rest of Joshua Micah Marshall's post here.


At 10/12/2005 6:38 AM, Blogger Dave Barrett said...

Can you imagine Watergate style hearings looking into the conspiracy to convince the country to go to war in 2002 run by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby? Who will be the Howard Dean-style insider who, sensing he is being set up to take the fall, runs to the prosecutor and then tells the public what went on inside the conspiracy. Will there be bag-men telling us to whom they handed the bags of cash? Will there be live television coverage of the hearings preempting all the soap operas? Can you imagine Republican Senators with very grave, serious expresions on their faces, talking about how shocked they are by these revelations? If this happens it will be great! Could not happen to a more deserving bunch of crooks.

At 10/12/2005 7:39 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Dave, your notion of a complete melt-down ala Watergate is not as far-fetched as it might seem at first blush.

As these things usually happen, the prosecutor gets a toe-hold with someone, and then proceeds to leverage one person against the other. Once one person crumbles, it's every man for himself, and that's when it gets REALLY interesting.

There's enough nibbling around at the rampant corruption evident since day one of this cabal that it seems almost inevitable that something will come out of some of it, whether it be Frist's crooked stock dealings, DeLays crooked everything, Libby and Rove's rat-screwing Joe Wilson and his wife, Cheney's double-dealing with Haliburton, the arrest of Bush's head of procurement for FEMA for blatant corruption, or any of the other raft of investigations into corruption that is out there or on the horizon.

This ought to be very interesting to witness, and for all you justice fans out there, a very satisfying time.

At 10/14/2005 10:39 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

If the corruption of this administration is ever brought to light, it will be from a combination of bull-dog prosecutors like Fitzgerald and Republicans who want to save their asses and who will finally stand up on their own hind legs and acknowledge just how corrupt these guys are.

The Dems are pissing in the wind. No matter what they say or how often or loudly they say it, no one gives them any credibility.

It's only when a Republican comments about the obvious that the press seems to pay attention.

Until a Republican cries foul, nothing will likely happen. The Dems are utterly impotent, even when they're absolutely correct.


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