June 23, 2005

Another live one jumps into the local Blog Pond

As noted at Rich Miller's Capitol Fax, Quad Cities Online (Dispatch/Argus) news editor John Beydler has launched a blog his own self. Don't know if it's a purely personal blog or if it's yet another instance of traditional media jumping on the blog bandwagon, but regardless, he'll no doubt provide some interesting insights and information.

One might expect his grammar and spelling will be faultless and I'd predict that he'll be fairly dispassionate and play it very close to the middle, things one wouldn't normally associate with this blog. ha!

So add Beydler's "The Passing Parade" to your favorites and throw some clicks his way. I've added a link to the blogroll as well.

** Correction I'd earlier mistakenly associated Mr. Beydler with the Quad City Times. The Dope, as they say, regrets the error.


At 6/23/2005 6:31 AM, Blogger QuadCityImages said...

He's actually from Quad Cities Online, or the Dispatch/Argus/Leader group, rather than the Quad City Times.

At 6/23/2005 3:20 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

QCI... thanks for that catch. I'd misread the report on CapFax.

And a humble thank-you to HeadUsher and PolWind for their votes of confidence. (Though I recall HeadUsher stating at one point that no one read this blog anymore.)

But this is no "battle of the blogs". ha!

I'm hoping Beydler's blog will provide some info on local stuff that I'd otherwise miss. But as a real live "legitimate" journalist, he's in a straight-jacket of sorts. Thankfully, I'm not.

At 6/23/2005 3:22 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

And HeadUsher... I can't vouch for the factuality of your statements, but that isn't my problem with them. It's when they're repeated ad nauseum and are all one note tunes, so to speak.

But flattery will get you everywhere.

At 6/24/2005 8:24 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Ahem... Mr. Wind... I appreciate your attempt to create a competitioin here, but I'm afraid it's not possible. After all, who's keeping score? It sure isn't me.

And Maybe.... I think you need to investigate your computer as to why links don't work for you. They're fine and as far as I know, they work for everyone else. (as well as myself when I test them.)

You can click on the link to "The Passing Parade" in the blog roll in the right hand column and see if that works for you, or you can actually type http://www.thepassing-parade.com/
into your browser.

At 6/25/2005 7:54 PM, Blogger Dave Victor said...

Anyone seen Durbin?


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