July 19, 2005

A tutorial for "Tort reform" backers

Anyone who wishes to have an informed opinion on the so-called "tort reform" effort ought to read these three pieces.

And in as much as HeadUsher represents the views of "Young"™, Mike Jacobs, perhaps they should read the following pieces before spouting the anecdotes and falsehoods taught to them by the insurance company lobbyists.

Read them all (yes, all the way to the end even) for a dose of reality on this issue.

The idea that "junk lawsuits" are behind the huge rise in malpractice insurance premiums, thus driving away doctors, is bogus, bogus, and even more bogus.


At 7/21/2005 12:12 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Speaking of which (Republicans in Dem clothing) Joe Lieberman, perhaps exhibit A of this breed, is once again singing the praises of the glorious Bush agenda.


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