April 18, 2005

We got priorities

R.I. schools forced to consider deep slashes in elective curriculum subjects. But thank God Paris Hilton doesn't have to pay any inheritance tax.
Art classes are on the chopping block this year, just as home economics classes were last year.
The pendulum in Rock Island is swinging and slicing away at electives at Washington Junior High because of budget cuts and a lack of money from the state.

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At 4/18/2005 10:07 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

That's one way of looking at it. And I'm sure some of your observations are areas where savings could legitimately be realized, but I find it hard to argue that teachers don't deserve a pretty decent living for what they do.
The fact that kids are showing up in classes with zero discipline, several grades behind in their skills, disruptive, even violent, can't be laid at the feet of the teachers. They have little to do with how these kids turn out, though they're expected to be teacher, parent, counselor, and just about everything else for some of these kids.
I say give 'em all we possibly can. I sure don't see any fat-cat teachers living a life of ease.

Do they have to paint houses and take other menial jobs during their time off because they're being paid so well? Or is it for some other reason?

As I said, some of your points should be examined, such as the pension inflation tactic that they use, but I simply can't see any harm in paying teachers and educators as much as possible.
I expect that if you immediately cut every teacher's salary by 10%, it probably wouldn't make up enough money to accomplish much anyway.


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