April 15, 2005

Fundies sue Blago for right to refuse to dispense contraceptive pills

A conservative legal group filed a lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of two Downstate pharmacists against Gov. Rod Blagojevich, challenging his emergency rule earlier this month requiring all pharmacists in Illinois to quickly dispense birth control and emergency contraception pills.

The American Center for Law and Justice, a group founded by Pat Robertson, said the order would require the pharmacists to violate their religious beliefs if they are forced to dispense prescriptions for emergency contraception, including the morning-after pill.

The suit, filed on behalf of pharmacists Peggy Pace and John Menges, both of Edwardsville, seeks an injunction on Blagojevich's emergency rule, which requires pharmacies that sell contraceptives to fill such prescriptions promptly. The governor issued the order after a pharmacist at a Loop Osco pharmacy refused to fill two prescriptions for the morning-after pill.

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At 4/15/2005 9:51 AM, Blogger Carl Nyberg said...

Have any pharmacist professional associations taken a position on this?

Will they?

Will they take the position, "pharmacists who feel morally unable to dispense medications prescribed by physicians and requested by customers should leave the profession"?

At 4/17/2005 1:59 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...


I'm not "slipping" at all. I don't concern myself with investigating the background of commenters. I'm not concerned with their identities.

And mainly, it didn't take any investigation to figure out that "Dr. Goldblatt" was a fake. I mean, just read it.

And the fact that he lists a "faithweb.com" web site pretty much tells you all you need to know.

If you or other readers want to do some digging, feel free. But I certainly am not interested in doing background checks on every commenter.

At 4/17/2005 2:01 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

And Carl, sorry to have taken so long to answer, but your question is an excellent one. If I find the time, I'll check into it.

I too would like to know the position of any professional pharmacist's associations on this issue, and would be surprised if they support the right to refuse to dispense drugs to clients.

At 4/18/2005 10:15 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Hey, here's a radical idea. Instead of bitching like some old biddy, why don't YOU offer something even remotely worthwhile here? Just imagine the concept of that. Wow!

Instead of sitting on your fat ass carping about whatever strikes your fancy, why don't you contribute at least one little thought, one insight, one fact, that even remotely is of value to anyone.

Nah! It isn't you. Forget it.

At 4/18/2005 10:48 PM, Blogger Carl Nyberg said...

I looked around in a non-systematic way.

It seem like there's actually some criticism of Blagojevich from the professional pharmacy groups.

But I'm not sure they're not just Right Wing front organizations. It wasn't immediately clear what kind of advocacy they were doing on behalf of pharmacists besides tangling with G-Rod.


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