April 18, 2005


For you early-birds out there, this is a reminder that C-Span's Washington Journal will be featuring a preview tour of the new Lincoln Museum in Springfield by Presidential historian Richard Norton Smith. The show begins at 6 a.m. and runs until around 9 a.m. It should prove to be an interesting look at what will no doubt prove to be a huge attraction. (despite the fact that the monkey in a man suit has seen fit to sully the opening with his presense.)

> MORE <


At 4/24/2005 11:10 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

As an aside, during C-Span's coverage of the opening ceremonies, Blago got up to speak after Durbin and Obama and the first thing he did was to thank both Edgar and Ryan for their work on the project.

The cost of the museum? Around 130 million big ones, mostly paid by the state.


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