April 10, 2005

Entire reason for war bogus? Don't blame Bush

Thousands and thousands killed and maimed, hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and all justified by lies and deceptions.
How does Bush feel about this? Dunno. Are people going to apologize to Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector who stated that Iraq didn't have any more WMDs or the capability to produce them? Are they going to "de-villifie" Scott Ritter, the courageous weapons inspector who loudly and clearly called bullshit on the phony WMD stories while the Bushies were ginning up the rush to war? Don't hold your breath.

Helen Thomas writes of the White House reaction to the recent report on the utter failure of intelligence which was used to pound the drums for war and shows that for Bush, who loudly touts personal accountability for us, the buck NEVER stops with him.


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