The drizzly weather certainly didn't keep the pols from showing up at the annual Rock Island County Labor Day Picnic.
Presidential hopeful John Edwards was the star of the show this year.
This write-up of the event by the AP appears in a North Carolina paper, but the editor apparently didn't bother to read the article through before writing the headline, "Edwards talks poverty, labor in Iowa".
Judge Vicki Wright, the Democrat's excellent candidate for the 3rd District Appellate Court, was among the many Dem candidates and officials who appeared on stage at the annual event held at Illiniwek park in Hampton this past weekend.
One of Judge Wright's supporters and ace photographer Jane Sharp was there as well and took these great shots. Thanks to both for sharing them with us.
Above Left to Right: Rep. Lane Evans (seated), Bob Carlson, former labor leader.(thanks MS), Sheriff candidate Mike Huff, Rock Island County Board Chair Jim Bohnsack, Rock Island County Clerk Dick Leibovitz, Judge Vicki Wright, Illinois Treasurer candidate Alexi Giannoulias, Rock Island County Treasurer LuAnn Kerr, unknown, Sen. John Edwards speaking at podium, being useful with the umbrella is State Sen. Mike Jacobs, Rep. Mike Boland. Rock Island County Democratic Chair John Gianulis was also on the podium with his grandaughter, but is hidden behind the speakers.
If anyone can help identify the unknown person, feel free.
Sen. John Edwards
Sen. Durbin listens intently.
Sen. John Edwards speaking to the crowd.
Carl Bond, Judge Vicki Wright supporter and her baliff of 15 years. (as well as the photographer's husband.)
A caring citizen tries to help others.
Vicki Wright cheers.
Phil Hare addressing the faithful.
Rep. Lane Evans waves to the crowd. As noted in John Beydler's account of the event, Evans was very warmly received by the crowd.
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