November 15, 2005

Bush poll numbers continue to crater

As revealled in a new CNN/USAToday/Gallup poll, Prince George's approval/disapproval ratings have hit a historic low.
A new CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey finds just 37% of Americans approving of the job George W. Bush is doing as president, the lowest percentage measured by Gallup during the Bush presidency. Sixty percent say they disapprove.
And as if that weren't enough, it also revealed that 48% of the country feels Bush is more dishonest than Clinton.

At last, something to shut up those tedious Republican who have practiced the ridiculous "Look over there! It's Bill Clinton" tactic for years now in an attempt to excuse Bush and Republican disasters.

And it's almost amusing to watch Republicans run scared from Bush's sinking ship. Doug Forrester, the rather creepy losing Republican candidate for New Jersey governor has already said that he would have won if not for Bush. And Dick "Dick" Cheney was heckled by war protesters at a recent appearance in Knoxville, TN. (though not nearly as satisfying as the guy who walked past Cheney as he was giving a live interview from New Orleans after the hurricane and said calmly "Go f*ck yourself Mr. Cheney.")

• Two-thirds of independents and 91% of Democrats disapprove of the job Bush is doing. Even among Republicans, 19% express disapproval — a new high.

• For the first time — albeit by a narrow 49%-48% — a plurality disapprove of the way Bush is handling the issue of terrorism. Six in 10 disapprove of the way he's handling the economy, Iraq and immigration, and 71% disapprove of him on controlling federal spending.

• By 12 points, those surveyed say the country would be better off if Democrats controlled Congress.

And Terry Neal's piece in the Washington Post includes a comparison with previous presidential approval/disapproval numbers:
GW Bush: 45% approval versus 49% disapproval

Clinton: 59 percent versus 35 percent

Reagan: 56 percent versus 37 percent

Nixon: 57 percent versus 34 percent

Johnson: 69 percent versus 21 percent

Eisenhower: 65 percent versus 20 percent

Truman: 57 percent versus 24 percent
Neal suggests the reasons for Bush's free-fall are: Overconfidence, Social Security, Terry Shiavo, Iraq, and the Economy.

What do you think are the reasons that, finally, a majority of Americans now realize that Bush is bumbling, dishonest, and leading this country in the wrong direction?

What should Democrats do to seize this swing in public opinion?


At 11/15/2005 5:04 PM, Blogger Dave Barrett said...

What do you think are the reasons ... a majority of Americans now realize that Bush is a bumbling, dishonest...?

I am totally baffled. It was obvious to me 6 years ago that he was dishonest -- just comparing his macho public patriotism to the record of his disservice during Vietnam made that obvious. It was obvious to me 6 years ago that he would be ineffective - just a look at his resume showed that. How people could vote for him for president twice and and then suddenly realize he was not honest, ethical or a good leader at this late date -- after thousands are dead, the economy in shambles, national debt soaring and the US international reputation in the toilet is just beyond me. Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has been stolen.

At 11/15/2005 5:21 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Public opinion is agonizingly slow to realize the truth. Sadly, this points up the effectiveness of blatant propaganda and the dangerous mood of the press, and much of the public, that questioning the leadership of this country or pointing out it's lies and misdeeds amounts to being "unpatriotic" or being less than a "good American".

Maybe people are finally coming out of their fog.

At 11/16/2005 7:07 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Good idea, as long as the Dem press shills aren't as transparently deceptive and dishonest as the right wing shills have been.

At 11/16/2005 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd hasten to point out to those who constantly appear to be trying to defend Bush and counsel against pointing out his many failures, corruption, and the wrong direction he's leading the country, that apparently it works a hell of a lot better than you'd suggest.

It's true that Dems need to articulate their ideas and beliefs, but it's simply stupid to not at the same time point out how different they are to the views and policies of the bush Republicans.

The days of running like bunnies from calling Bush a failure and tip-toeing around the obvious corruption and lies surrounding so much of the Republican administration should be over forever.

Tell it like it is, and don't get all squishy and be a scared little pansy afraid to offend some right winger out there.

Instead, point out what's going on in no uncertain terms, contrast it with what Dems would do instead, and let the people be the judge. I'm confident that the people will get it.

I'm sick to death of Dems who continue to engage in right-wing boot-licking that I could spit.

It is NOT responsible to continue to pull punches when leaders are corrupt, doing real harm to the country and it's people, and constantly lying to them.

How is it smart, much less responsible, to continue to be afraid to simply speak the truth?

With all the people and millions the right have out there defending themselves and covering up, WHY should Democrats, of all people, participate in trying to make things seem as though they're not that bad? Why in the hell should Dems continue to provide cover for Bush??


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