October 13, 2005

Your chance to meet a political footnote

New York Gov. George Pataki will visit the Quad-Cities on Oct. 27 for a pair of political events and to visit the American Red Cross chapter here.

Pataki, a potential 2008 Republican presidential candidate, is scheduled to headline a fundraiser for Brian Dumas, a candidate for Davenport City Council in the 8th Ward. “I think it’s a great opportunity to meet one of the political leaders of this country,” Dumas said Wednesday.

In addition to the Dumas event, Pataki will attend a dinner with Clinton County Republicans in Clinton. He also will visit with disaster volunteers at the American Red Cross of the Quad-Cities Area.
Pataki has less of a chance of becoming the Republican presidential nominee than Alan Keyes.


At 10/13/2005 9:54 AM, Blogger The Liberal said...

"doctor life",

If republicans really loved God as much as they pretend to, then they would love their neighbors as they love themselves. They would also make it their primary platform to "take care of the least of these."

There IS a major party that makes that its goal. You might know it, it's called the Democratic Party.

At 10/13/2005 3:00 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Dr. Life... if you sincerely believe that whether a person loves God or not depends on their political party, you really can't be taken seriously.

And it's pretty curious that so many Republicans can "love God" while being adulterers, pedophiles, criminals, and supporting policies which harm children, the poor and disadvantaged, pollute the environment, and slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children around the globe in the name of profit and conquest.

Doesn't sound very "God loving" to me.

But of course, you're likely one of the abortion fanatics which are utterly blind to what the Republican agenda actually is.

And the sad part is that to Republicans, all of you "pro-life" zealots are nothing but useful idiots. They've got you conned that they're going to do something to outlaw abortion. ha!

They've never done a thing to outlaw abortion and they never will. But they'll con you guys all the way to the ballot box over and over again.

Just another Republican dupe.


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