October 28, 2005

IL House votes to abolish riverboat gambling

Aiming at an industry that is "broke," House Democrats voted overwhelmingly Thursday to abolish casino gambling -- a move that could end talk of gambling expansion and bolster the political fortunes of socially conservative, Downstate Democrats.

The surprise development came on a busy legislative day that also featured a defeat for Gov. Blagojevich on gun legislation, but victory for him with final passage of his children's health insurance plan.

The plan to dismantle the state's casino industry passed the House 67-42. It likely will be blocked by the Senate, where Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago), an ardent supporter of new casinos, branded the proposal "irresponsible."

House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), who played a key role in allowing a House vote, said riverboat gambling as an Illinois institution is "broke" and needs retooling.

"A small group of people became millionaires because of Illinois riverboat gaming, but the people of Illinois have never received a fair return in exchange for these monopolies," Madigan said. "I think we should go back to the drawing board and start over."
What can Sen. Jacobs think of this attempt to wipe out the industry his father was largely responsible for creating in the state?


At 10/28/2005 3:52 PM, Blogger QuadCityImages said...

I think the Senate should pass a temporary bill banning gambling for 1 week, and see how the representatives that voted for it in the House like the thousands of teachers, casino employees, and construction workers that start calling. They could also explain where they'll get the money to replace the $2 million that state would lose in tax revenue in that single week.

At 10/29/2005 3:45 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I'm sorry... but you really are a moron HU. You just can't help it.

"All SPOKES day"???!!! Do you think MaybeSomeday is an avid bicyclist?

THINK before you comment. Then re-read it before you post.

Spend a second considering how stupid you want to appear. It might be time well spent.

At 10/29/2005 5:06 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Umm... DUH!! It's obvious what Head meant. But my advice still applies.

I'd rather not reveal my elaborate Halloween costume, lest my more over-zealous fans monopolize my time as I make my nocturnal rounds.

I did consider going as Karl Rove doing a perp walk, but changed my mind. I didn't want people pelting me with rotten vegetables.

Then I thought I'd dress as Sen. Mike Jacobs, go hang out at the Blue Ribbon and see how many people buy me drinks. But then I decided I'd never get a buzz unless I invited some lobbyists, and I hate hanging out with those Italian loafer wearing weasels.

I wanted something frightening. So I finally decided on a character that has proven to strike mortal terror into the soul of local figures and causes the blood to drain from their faces, makes them break out in cold sweats, and suffer nightmarish delusions.

That's right, I'm going as... dunt dunt DAAAAAAAH!!!!... an independent blogger.

Buwahhhahahahaha. Scary stuff!

At 10/31/2005 2:12 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

For those who missed it, (Headusher has achieved "delete on sight" status), he was busy engaging in his usual juvenile antics, and this time decided to accuse yours truly of being a really bad drunk.

It reminded me of a fitting remark attributed to some wit. IF I was a drunk, at least in the morning I'd be sober, while HeadUsher will still be dull, pompous, and shallow.

At 10/31/2005 8:40 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Maybe ... HA! That's hilarious!

I get a kick out of the fact that Headcase's latest smear attempt is to say I'm drunk. Well, if I'm always hammered, what's his excuse? I mean, he's incoherant and can't spell or write worth a damn. I was almost hoping he was plastered when he wrote. At least that would explain it.

Evidently he's just not that bright.

At 11/01/2005 8:08 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

In the interest of peace in our time, I strongly urge all commenters to refrain from vile personal attacks.

In the future, they will be deleted if I see them, and that applies to everyone. This has got to stop.


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