Even Mr. Bill knew
Here's a commercial from the Campaign to Save Coastal Louisiana featuring Mr. Bill.
Yet Bush says no one knew the levees wouldn't hold. Even a clay animation knew better.
Here's a commercial from the Campaign to Save Coastal Louisiana featuring Mr. Bill.
posted by The Inside Dope @ 9/03/2005
Wise, all-knowing, omniscient, and a snappy dresser besides. Often misunderestimated.
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Excellent Moline83. I'd posted that story and asked if anyone could verify it, and you came through like a champ. I never suspected that NatGeo would have their back issues available online.
Here's a clickable link to the story.
you've finaly jumped the shark
What's your point Dave? Just what is it that you feel is ridiculous?
And Philosphe, very interesting.
It's no longer a question of whether the response was too late. That much is established fact.
But the question is now, why?
It's not unreasonable to wonder why almost nothing was done until Bush could get down there for his photo-ops. It was only after that that federal relief started in a serious way.
I wouldn't put it past this gang to orchestrate this for political purposes. They've demostrated over and over again that they put politics over human death and suffering, why not in this instance?
They wouldn't do anything until Bush could be made to look good from it.
The right may counter that the reason things finally started happening after Bush's visit is that Bush himself personally made it happen, thus he deserves credit from breaking the log-jam.
This is BS. Firstly, Bush is well-known as not wanting to bother with details and extensive breifings. That's for other people. I doubt he personally changed the course of the response much at all.
And the fact of the matter is this; Even if Bush was responsible for ramping up the effort, that still means that he should be strung up for not making sure things were mobilized on a much greater scale 5 or 6 days sooner, when lives could have been spared.
Bush/Rove either conciously slow-walked the response in order to create a crisis, thus hoping political blame would go to the Dems of the area, or for ever worse motives, or they were stupid, blind, and horribly ill-informed and didn't issue the necessary orders because they were too stupid to realize the actual scope of this.
Either way, Bush should go. He should be impeached. How many more of his mistakes and blunders can this country take?
Now the right wing lemmings have the gall to jump blame local officials for the aftermath of this disaster.
They ignore the fact that city and local officials have been begging state and federal government for years for funding to improve and strengthen the levee and pumps?
This unfair smearing of local officials is simply because the Mayor of N.O. and the Gov. of Louisiana happen to be democrats, when the leader of the only government remotely capable of responding to this scale of disaster is a Republican.
These cretins are apparently unaware that the Mayor of New Orleans was a life-long Republican, a businessman who had always donated to Republican candidate, including GWB.
He switched parties just before his race for Mayor as a strategic move.
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