March 8, 2005

The Big Dog to have further surgery

Bill Clinton is to have low-risk surgery to repair scar tissue and fluid that has built up since his heart surgery last year. The Reuters story (by Larry Fine... wasn't he in the Three Stooges?) reports it's expected that he'll spend 10 days in the hospital and make a full recovery.


At 3/08/2005 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is the "Big Dog" in my political world.

He taught our party and our country how to serve eight years in the White House, generate 22 million new jobs, balance the budget, turn back a surplus, reduce crime by putting more police on the streets and lead an effective foreign policy. He showed Democrats that with a message of opportunity and responsibility, we can win in both the red and blue states.

Our family sends heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery to President Bill Clinton.

At 3/08/2005 10:19 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I might point out that Bush Sr. was the president who sent troops to Somalia. Clinton had only beenin office perhaps a week or two when the famous attack took place.

I also recall how the right excoriated Clinton with incessant yowls of "wag the dog" when he actually DID try to take out bin Laden.

And it was the Clinton national security staff that advised incoming Bush staff that bin Laden would be and should be their number one priority.

The fact remains that Bush the lesser's administration did absolutely NOTHING to deal with this problem, with the obvious results. I mean, when you get an intelligence brief entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike within the U.S." and completely dismiss it, you ought to get a little blame.

At 3/08/2005 10:34 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Point taken. I didn't mean to leave the impression you were favorably comparing little Smirk's foreign policy trainwreck with Clinton's record.

But I've heard the right making false statements ad nauseum about Clinton's supposed failures. Just wanted to put the record straight.

At 3/08/2005 10:46 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

(looks like we cross-posted... I intended my comment above to be a reply to .. well, you know.)

Thanks for the details. I was working from memory, and I seemed to recall that it really wasn't Clinton's people who dropped the ball. I stand corrected. (and no, you Dope sleuths, that doesn't mean I wear orthopedic shoes.)

At 3/08/2005 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, "Dissenter," I have to take issue with your dissertation on Bill Clinton.

Although you made some valid points in your assessment of the administration of Bill Clinton, what I gathered from Mr. McNeil's "get-well" wishes for the President was something far different. I read a blog that said he is a "big political dog" due to his political abilities (winning two terms). Not to mention, he scored some major domestic victories (job growth, deficit elimination, budget surplus, crime reduced).

Mr. McNeil talked about Clinton being a "big dog" in his political world. The only Democrat to win two terms in office since Roosevelt earns that title. I'll go with McNeil and millions of other Dems who give Bill a thumbs up.

I'd suggest you stop "grilling" the "Porter McNeil steak," as you put it, and start grilling the Bush-Cheney administration a bit more. Let's talk about the issues, not the bloggers.

At 3/09/2005 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to

You can read about how the Democrats are tearing each other apart. It's very discouraging. Remember, Colorado is the state where Dems had real success and elected moderate Ken Salazar to the U.S. Senate. Now, apparently, an activist group of environmentalists have tossed out the state dem party chair as retaliation for supporting Salazar!
It's Democratic Party cannabalism at its worst.

And, Dope, you should direct your readers to this excellent site as it provides the moderate Democrat perspective (DLC, etc.).

At 3/09/2005 12:47 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

It's added to the blogroll in the right sidebar.

At 3/09/2005 11:06 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Being a confirmed carnivore, The Dope found nothing offensive in describing someone as any sort of steak. Homer Simpson-like, at the mention of any succulent cut of beef, I kind of zone out and start slobbering. So I probably missed any subtle inferences.

Some people might go to Amazing or something to satisfy their fantasies, I go to


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