October 5, 2005

It's not easy being sleazy

As former Gov. George Ryan's political corruption trial plays out in federal court here, his legal defense fund has doled out more than $369,000 so far, a report filed with the state shows.

That leaves a $104,000 balance in the fund, which was set up as a charitable trust, according to a report on the fund's assets filed with Attorney General Lisa Madigan's office. Madigan's office received the report on Sept. 13, two weeks before Ryan's trial started.

The fund collected more than $240,000 from last December until Aug. 4, the report shows. It does not detail who contributed or how specifically the money was spent, except to say that money was distributed "for the benefit of one or more of the beneficiaries and for expenses of administering the trust."

Attorney Dan Webb has said Ryan's legal team was working on the case pro bono.


At 10/10/2005 12:12 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Well HeadUsher, I can see why you'd leap to Ryan's defense. It's no wonder you feel living like a millionaire using other people's money is just peachy. How could anyone object to that?
When donors give to your campaign, they're giving it so you can buy $200 dinners and rack up thousand dollar bar tabs, right? Anyone that felt that was a bit scummy must be a damn socialist. Right?

At 10/10/2005 11:58 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

As usual, you've missed the point intentionally... or at least I hope it was intentional. Otherwise... yeeesh!

At 10/10/2005 11:59 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

As usual, you've missed the point intentionally... or at least I hope it was intentional. Otherwise... yeeesh!

Maybe someone ought to do a public opinion poll on how they feel about polticians raking in hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions and using it to fund a lavish personal lifestyle.

I'm sure the majority would feel as you do, right?



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