October 3, 2005

Dispatch editors almost heart-broken over Edgar

In an editorial that almost caused this humble writer to want to pat the editor on the shoulder, say "There, there", and offer them a tissue, the Dispatch laments that it won't be able to charge into battle on behalf of the valiant Jim Edgar.

It's not hard to imagine that it's depressing being an Illinois Republican these days. The frustration could end up turning them into mean drunks, which is exactly the character trait a certain stripe of conservative seems to revel in. But I trust that the Dispatch breed of Republican will maintain their equalibrium without resorting to anything more reckless than an extra glass of wine with dinner, biding their time until they need to spring into action to bite Democratic ankles and hope that the time when Democrats inevitably get caught doing something dumb and greedy comes sooner rather than later. After all, in Illinois, a state whose motto should be "Where's mine?", corruption seems to be a bipartisan trait.


At 10/03/2005 9:27 PM, Blogger Lew Scannon said...

Yeah, they're all pretty corrupt, but what you gonna do, the masses accept the corruption of their party while deploring the corruption of the opposition. Until we get the people to turn off their television sets and read more blogs like this one, there is no hope for the future of this country. You just got bookmarked!

At 10/04/2005 7:19 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

MS... lest you labor under the impression that the Dems are lily-white, have you been following the steady drip, drip, drip of corruption and scandal that's been ensnaring people close to Gov. Blago and the numerous scandals and corrupt pols being both indicted, prosecuted, and sometimes even jailed in and around Chicago?

If you wanted to ensure employment for life, you could become a prosecutor focusing on political corruption and lawbreaking. There's more than enough sleaze and corruption in both parties in the state to keep an army of Illinois prosecutors employed for decades.

At 10/04/2005 10:35 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I get ya MS. Those who refuse to even entertain the idea that this country is on track to end up at a place we'd not recognize as our idea of America are willfully ignorant or part of the problem themselves and enjoying the gravy train of corporate pay-offs and benefits.
The erosions of freedom and individual liberty are small. They're eating away at the edges, so most people are unaware of it, or they don't consider it anything to worry about. But by the time they wake up, it might be a bit too late.
If the country doesn't get leadership committed to reversing the course Bush and Co. have set it upon, with one party consolodating all the power it can grab, and the government, which is supposed to be the people, being handed over lock, stock, and barrel to corporate interests, then the country is in serious danger of being turned into some sort of state that's unrecognizable as the "home of the free."

At 10/05/2005 2:44 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Try making sense... seriously.


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