October 5, 2005

Moline leaf burning ban goes down in flames

The Moline City Council voted against a burn ban Tuesday, an issue one alderman said he will bring up again.

Aldermen voted 5-2 against banning leaf burning, a practice now allowed three days a week. Ald. Dick Potter, 4th Ward, and Ald. Dorothy Armstrong, 7th Ward, voted for a ban.

Ald. Bill Adams, 5th Ward, was out of town and not at the meeting.

"I'll continue to press the issue. Not this season, but it is an important discussion to have," said Ald. Potter, who introduced the idea on the council floor about a month ago.


At 10/06/2005 12:21 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I'm in favor of a burn ban as well... with the caveat that the city increases it's leaf-vacuum program to pick up the slack.

From what I've read, that option is rather costly and likely contributed to the council's vote to in essense do nothing.

The option which would actually bring in revenue for the city is to require everyone to use the ridiculous, cumbersome, and costly yard waste bags. They say that they could cut the cost by perhaps $0.20 a bag if the ban went into effect due to more bags presumably being sold in that case, but the spectre of some home owners with large heavily wooded lots having to spend days on end filling dozens and dozens of expensive and smallish city yard waste bags... I'm not sure that's too practical either.

I'd be more than willing to pay a small increase for an expanded and more efficient leaf vacuuming program. It's both easier and more efficient for the homeowner, but it eliminates the health problems and polution of burning literally tons of leaves each fall.

But some sort of composting operation should be part of of the leaf-vacuuming program as well, with free mulch and compost being available to all residents.

At 10/10/2005 11:56 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Please enlighten us as to specifically what Mike Jacobs... not Denny, MIKE, did in bringing the Mark to the Quad Cities.
This I gotta hear.


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