December 16, 2007

Mormonism explained

... in a way even monster truck fans might comprehend. Told in the inimitable and perversely wonderful style of Jack Chick.

But perhaps lost in the weirdness is the fact that everything he says about Mormon beliefs are true. I'm not sure which is more bizarre, the fact that Chick as a Christian clings to many fables himself, or the Mormon fables that he holds up as evil and dangerous.

For hours of disturbingly hilarious fun, rummage through the vast trove of Chick tracts. I'm sure you'll learn things you never hoped to know.

This is something that the media has silently agreed was strictly taboo, and that's to actually mention anything about what Mormonism actually teachs.

You'll be waiting a long time before you hear anyone in the media suggest that maybe it's not that odd to question the wisdom of electing someone president of the United States who truly believes that they'll get to become a god on their own private planet after they die. (Or someone who doesn't believe in evolution, for that matter.)

Seriously, how is wearing sacred underwear and thinking you'll get your own planet, or stating that you essentially don't believe in science (evolution) any different from a candidate coming out and in all seriousness announcing that they believe in the tooth fairy or the easter bunny?

Why is believing in particularly bizarre religious fairy tales that fly in the face of all reason or logic accepted unquestioningly by millions, while any candidate espousing the equally goofy belief that the Easter Bunny exists would have their sanity questioned and be roundly mocked and dismissed?

I guess Republicans aren't really troubled by quasi-lunatics as their front-runners.

Laideeeeees and Gentleman! I give you, your 2008 Republican presidential prospects!


At 12/16/2007 8:15 AM, Blogger Dave Barrett said...

The Mormon beliefs just sound more weird and outlandish than orthodox Christianity because they are less familiar. Nothing the Mormons believe is more ridiculous than the notion that Jesus was somehow both God and the Son of God at the same time. (How could someone be their own son?) Or that Jesus was both fully human and fully God. (Isn’t that a contradiction? How could He be both mortal and immortal?) Or that God required the suffering and death of himself as a sacrifice in order to forgive the sins of mankind, sins which were inevitable because he choose to design a sinful nature into man in the first place. Or that a benevolent and perfectly loving God would permit all the suffering we see in the world. Or that, although it would be easy for an omniscient and omnipotent God to provide irrefutable proof of his existence and other truths he wanted man to know to scientifically-minded modern humans, the Bible (which is full of Iron-age superstitions and ideas which have been refuted by modern science) still remains the primary means by which God expects us to know about and believe in Him.
Remember most of our Presidents, as believing Christians, supposedly believed all of the above. If you say that most Christians probably don’t actually believe all of that, then the same can probably be said about Mormon beliefs and most Mormons.

At 12/16/2007 9:11 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...


I couldn't agree more, as that's the point I was trying to make. Evidently I didn't do it too clearly, but I was making the same point you are, only less articulately. Namely, that many of the things Christians believe are every bit as bizarre and irrational if you are able to think of them outside of our familiarity with them.

Thanks for making my argument in a much more cogent way.

At 12/17/2007 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read "The Enchanter." Crazy and crazy and typical Jack Chick. Have you seen the short films based on his tracts? has the whole collection (10 or 11 now).

At 12/17/2007 12:20 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

No, I haven't. Thanks for the link.

This stuff is priceless.


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