December 5, 2005


The entire Blogger system was down today for some unknown reason. I'm not certain when it went down, or for how long, but things are apparently up and running again. It was a system-wide problem and not limited to just this blog.

Also, the sidebar was pushed down until it appeared beneath the main column for some reason. This is usually fairly easy to fix, but despite my efforts, I couldn't correct it. Thankfully, it seems to be back to normal now. Must have been gremlins.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


At 12/06/2005 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxes go up in Moline tonight. It was hidden on the inside page of the Disgrace.

At 12/07/2005 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes the actual report is there today hidden in fine print on page 8 as if the Editor tried to give the new Mayor a softball pass or something!!!

Taxes going up in Moline!!!!

At 12/07/2005 10:02 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

OK.. I think we get it. Taxes are going up in Moline. This was pretty much a done deal when it was proposed.

And yes, it's noteworthy that the Dispatch didn't feel it was worth a spot on the front page.

At 12/07/2005 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dope, I am surprised at you...

Comon -- there is one more little procedural vote to do the deed in Moline. It's going to happen on a Tuesday night soon in Moline and people can show up and say how they feel if they want to...... Give em a piece of your mind I say!!

At 12/08/2005 5:48 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I'll be there with bells on. Fat lot of good it will do.


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