December 5, 2005

"Quite well known","genteel" Zinga campaign manager to Parkinson's patient: "You ought to be ashamed of yourself"

The following is a comment left this afternoon on a post about perennial Republican candidate Andrea Zinga.
I am a Parkinson's patient and an American with a disability.

A sample of true contempt for the disabled!

I give you Campaign Manager for Ms. Zinga's 2004 congressional race Charlie Johnston's response to my phone call about the prejudices they hold and PD patients. wrote:

From: charliej
To: ----
Subject: Your call
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:46:14 0000

Dear Ms. Parisoff,

I was disappointed to hear your reaction to our phone conversation. I have been through a lot of campaigns and have learned to take precautions.

Sometimes people try to whip up an issue for purely political reasons. Whenever I sniff that that may be the case, I always make sure to have a few witnesses present when I take the call. From your tone on the phone, though you were forceful, I thought you might be sincere - and so I took a lot of time to discuss the matter with you. But then the young man you spoke with later told me this was probably a see, he was one of the witnesses that I had sit near me to hear my side of the conversation.

He told me you told him I was screaming at you and yelling irrationally. Nice story, but he was sitting there the whole time, and so knew it was not true. Now I won't be terribly surprised to see you telling that story to some paper sometime. It's okay, been there, done that. Except I have my witnesses - and I am quite well-known... and one of the things I am well-known for is that, though I often speak forcefully, I am known to be rather genteel and not given to bouts of screaming except under the most extreme provocation.

Since you described the ravings of a lunatic to one of the people who actually listened to what was being said, I am assuming it doesn't really matter what Andrea Zinga actually said. You were what Rush Limbaugh often calls a seminar caller - your motivation was not to get at the truth, but to slur Ms. Zinga and her campaign. From your initial tone, I had hoped for better from you.

Frankly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Charlie Johnston
Campaign Manager
Andrea Zinga for Congress
Office: 309-344-0522
Cell: 618-406-5874

I am not ashamed of being a Parkinson's patient.
Although I feel heart sick, for what some people will do to WIN.

An enemy of the disabled.
name -"Charlie Johnston"

Ms. Parisoff


At 12/06/2005 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for exposing these pathetic individuals trying to capitalize on their illness.

At 12/06/2005 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sick puppy. Yeah, someone with Parkinson's just trying to milk it for all that good stuff it offers, taking advantage of all the benefits of having a horrible degenerative disease.

Are you this creep that's running Zinga's campaign?

At 12/07/2005 10:03 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Charlie Johnston... just another compassionate conservative.

At 12/08/2005 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey "maybesomeday" -- I think to answer your question you might want to ask someone in the QCs who has helped mastermind the Republican attack machine -- that guy in Davenport who runs that campaign business ... you know, what's his name? He has helped Republicans beat Democrats with that "compassionate conservative" stuff

At 12/08/2005 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Andrea Zinga is circulating petitions with the top of the petition blank as to what office she's running for. If anyone sees her campaign doing that, please report that to the Illinois State Board of Elections as that is illegal and fraudulent campaign activity.

At 12/09/2005 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just remembered the name of the Republican who locally helped master that "compassionate conservative" con game on the public. Steve Grubbs, the conservative guru of Republican politics. Shame on him, but he's only making a living as a consultant I guess.


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