August 22, 2005

QC Area Progressive Group offering trip to September DC Anti-war rally

Progressive Action for the Common Good, a progressive activist group, is organizing a bus trip to DC for the Anti-War rally planned by A.N.S.W.E.R. and United for Peace and Justice for Saturday, Sept 24.

They are chartering a bus to leave Friday Sept 23rd between noon and 2:00 p.m. The bus will make stops for meals and breaks, with participants sleeping on the bus overnight as it makes its way to DC, arriving at the National Mall early Saturday morning in time for the planned start of the rally and march at 11:00 a.m. Saturday Sept 24th.

The trip will then depart sometime Saturday evening and drive back to the Quad Cities arriving Sunday afternoon.

They already have a dozen or more people signed up, and several people who can't make the trip have made donations to help defer the cost for those who can. They need to hear from those who are interested soon so they can make the appropriate arrangements. Costs, which depend on the amount of donations they receive, will run around $125 per person.

If you're interested in going and helping to show the nation and the world the level of dissatisfaction with Bush's invasion and occupation, please get in touch soon to book a spot on this trip.

To sign up, donate towards helping defray the costs, or for more information, contact Cathy Bolkcom at (click to e-mail)

This is planned to be the largest march yet in opposition to the Bush war policy.


At 8/22/2005 10:23 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

And I might add that not only is Bush seemingly not phased by sending others to their deaths, he seems to actually thrive on it. He displays an almost giddy enthusiasm whenever he speaks about it, complete with jaw-jutting grins in the most incredibly inappropriate places.

He seemed to take delight in sending hundreds of prisoners to death in Texas, more than any other governor in history, despite the evidence that an alarming number of death row inmates are falsely condemned.

He stated that he was fully convinced of each and every one of their guilt, despite sources on his legal staff having reported that he spent an average of 15 minutes reviewing their cases before approving their deaths.

He even mocked Karla Faye Tucker's pleas for her life, mimicking a female voice saying "Ohh, please save me! I don't want to die." to an appalled Tucker Carlson who was interviewing him.

The guy is a sociopath.

At 8/22/2005 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as far as I can see, ol Bush just wants to go out to Crawford and "cut some wood" with his chainsaw - not an axe for a physical workout or anything -- but a waste of fuel type thing - a gas using machine. Down in Tx they have lots of oil you know. And why does he need all the wood? No one knows. Not even Bush himself.

Well now Crawford TX - with all the protesters does not hold the same down home appeal to Bush that it used to.....


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