May 3, 2005

What you could be watching if...

... if The Illinois Channel were picked up in this area.

May 2, 2005

From Washington, DC: Senator Dick Durbin and Governor Rod Blagojevich announce plans to seek a $1 billion project from the U.S. Energy Depart­ment.

From the University of Illinois at Springfield: Congressman John Shimkus leads a panel discus­sion on how to stop bullying and harassment in schools.

From the State Capitol: We hear testimony before the House Telecommunications Committee on whether to change regulations on telephone compa­nies operating in Illinois.

Video-stream: With a broadband Internet connec­tion, each program can be video-streamed sepa­rately by going to and clicking on the program’s photo.

On May 16, the Pentagon will release the list of military bases around the country it thinks should be closed. At stake for Illinois are four bases, tens of thousands of jobs, and billions of dollars flowing into Illinois’ economy. Be­fore the decision, see what is being done to keep Scott Air Force Base, Springfield’s 183rd Fighter Wing, Peoria’s 182nd Airlift Wing, and the Rock Island Arsenal saved from closure.

They're asking people who are interested seeing The Illinois Channel carried in their community to contact them by email or give them a call at 217-525-7440.

Give 'em a shout and let them know we'd like this great service in our area.


At 5/03/2005 10:37 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Just got off the phone with The Illinois Channel LatinV. I asked if they broadcast 24 hours, and the woman said that the way it works currently is that they produce a two hour block of programming daily and then it's picked up by a public access channel or a school or any other place that is able to air it.

I imagine that in order to get it in this area, Mediacom would have to agree to air it on the public access channel 19 (or at least it used to be 19)
They'd likely decide when to broadcast it and whether and when to repeat it.

But by all means, send the channel an e-mail or call them and tell them that you're in the Quad Cities and you'd like it to be broadcast in our area.

At 5/05/2005 10:27 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Mississippi, thanks for that info. I was not aware that Wooten had a hand in the formation of the Illinois Channel, though it's certainly not hard to believe.
And thank you for your efforts to get this fine service off the ground. It's no doubt been the result of a lot of incredible perserverance and scrambling for funding.
I hope it really turns into an institution ala C-Span. It can't help but be a service to democracy in the television age.
Television has been effective at turning people into distracted sheep. The least one might expect is to finally use it to make a small effort to re-engage the public on the workings of government that affect all of their lives and futures.


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