April 29, 2005

Bush S.S. plan explained, and it ain't pretty

Get informed. Noted economist Brad DeLong explains Bush's scheme to fix Social Security with clarity and insight. Go read.


At 4/30/2005 10:33 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

When one looks into the Bush efforts re: social security it becomes more and more apparent that their M.O. is not to make it solvent and "fix" it, but rather to mess it up so badly that it teeters and colapses to the point where they can then say it must be eliminated altogether.

The comments below DeLong's piece are very interesting and informative as well.

While the major media all touted the Bush line on his "bold" plan for social security, the fact remains that the major feature is that he's simply thrown a bone to people at the bottom of the economic ladder. His plan results in effective cuts in benefits to middle class earners of over 10% by many accounts.

This is yet more smoke and mirrors in the ongoing "bamboozlepalooza" as Bush's Social Security road show has been aptly labeled.


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