March 22, 2005

Your Township Government at work

News errupted at a recent South Moline Township board meeting. It seems that there was a meeting announced for the purpose of discussing the township's budget, but Republican supervisor candidate Robert Schultz spoke out against holding the meeting, citing the fact that the announcement had been run illegally. Apparently the announcement ran in the paper Feb. 24th, which was short of the required 30 day notice period. (the story doesn't report how short). And as if that wasn't bad enough, he pointed out that the notice stated that the meeting was being called by Don "Whitey" Verstraete, who is no longer with us.

Mr. Shultz said that the meeting should not be held as scheduled due to those egregious illegalities, and also that he didn't want the budget decided until after the election.

Verstraete's widow, Rose Verstraete, who was appointed supervisor following her husband's death, agreed and postponed discussion of the budget. Fingers are pointing at the Dispatch/Argus for the errors.

See. Township government IS important. -cough-

The Dispatch/Argus says that it was the paper's fault that this meeting notice was printed under the deceased former supervisor's name.


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