October 6, 2006

Head's up

Two events coming up tomorrow (Fri.)

The regular meeting of the Illinois Quad Cities Drinking Liberally chapter meets at Jack's Place, 425 15th Street in downtown Moline beginning at 8:00 p.m. Be there.


If the reports of over a week ago are correct, WQPT (channel 10 on Mediacom cable) is scheduled to rebroadcast the debate between Phil Hare and Andrea Zinga held 10 days ago in Champaign, IL. It's supposed to be on at 9:00 p.m.

And speaking of WQPT. Budget cuts and the long term Republican attempt to strangle non-commercial, (and thus resistant to Republican manipulation) public broadcasting have put WQPT on the ropes. It's quite possible that they may go belly up.

They deserve your support. Please consider donating and let your Representitives and Senators know that you don't want to lose this valuable community asset.

Also... lest it be lost in the shuffle, a poll has been added to the sidebar on your opinion of whether Speaker Hastert should resign or not.

But beware, just like Santa Claus, I know when you've been bad or nice. If you "over vote", it will be noted.


At 10/06/2006 8:32 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...


That IS weird. haha.

At 10/07/2006 1:20 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...


Nah, it's not like you imagine at all. People don't sit around saying Bush sucks. That's like sitting around saying that ice is cold. It goes without saying.

It's a group of people enjoying socializing and talking politics if it comes up.

Everybody knows Bush sucks, even you Nico. No need to call a meeting about it.


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