November 19, 2005

No plan other than sacrificing lives to appear tough

Joshuah Micah Marshall sums up the Bush "plan" for Iraq.


At 11/20/2005 9:30 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

I'm happy to hear that at least one person read it. It really does seem to distill the obvious Bush non-plan for the future of our presense in Iraq.

Against this lack of vision and continued death and expense, a rational call for at least discussing a blueprint for handing Iraq back to Iraqis, sooner, rather than later, seems the obvious responsible course.

At 11/20/2005 1:58 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Diehard, as Josh Marshall writes,

"If we're honest I think what the president is saying is this: We're going to stay in Iraq until the place calms down and we can leave with a sense that we've accomplished something.

Isn't that basically the idea?"

Only one problem with that. We could be there feeding lives into the meat-grinder for decades.
Better get a plan for withdrawal and be sane than sacrificing our men and women because Bush is afraid of being called a loser.


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