November 4, 2005

Bush Argentina visit sparks mass demonstrations, violence

Street riots have errupted near the summit meeting in Mar Del Plata, Argentina in response to Bush's policies, including his attempt to stage a coup against the Socialist and democratically elected President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, and in opposition to global economic agreements which essentially place the economies of entire South American countries under global corporate, and largely American, control.

Bush; a uniter, not a divider.

Thank God this country was saved from the peace and prosperity during the administration of that "whore monger" Bill Clinton.


At 11/05/2005 7:43 PM, Blogger Dave Barrett said...

The democratically elected and hugely popular president of Venezuela has said that he does not think that "free trade" is in the best interests of the people of Venezuela as a whole, although it probably would benefit Venezuela's most wealthy and powerful classes. Apparently the current government of Venezuela is acting on behalf of the working and poorer classes and against the interests of the elites. This is something of a departure from way Latin American governments usually operate.
Rev. Pat Robertson recently stated his opinion that the United States should react to this unusal situation by "taking out" Hugo Chavez. Exactly what religious and political philosophy does this proposal represent?

At 11/07/2005 8:27 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

It was an odd choice, but I guess it was expected that the Pres would attend the summit there.

It reminds me of Nixon's visit to South America when he was VP where the crowds almost tipped over his limo.

The fact remains that the huge banking interests and others have long manipulated both economies and politics in Latin America and helped to train death squads for authoritarian regimes which danced to these economic power's tune.

It should come as no shock whatsoever that there is wide-spread opposition to this.

Again, I recommend anyone who wants a good insight into the way the global banking/corporate/government alliance seeks a global empire,
read "Confessions of an Economic Hit-man", New York Times best seller by a guy who was a star player in the "game".


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