October 3, 2005

This oughta make everyone feel better.

Wonder how our fine right wing friends would attempt to spin this.


At 10/04/2005 7:23 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Yes.. I heard poor Armstrong Williams was force to return PART of the hundreds of thousands the RNC paid him to shill for No Child Left Behind (of course, without revealing his hired hand status while doing so) due to the GSA ruling it was an illegal use of taxpayer funds.

Can you imagine what the hew and cry would be, the howls of protest and indignation, were it revealed that Clinton cabinet agencies were routinely paying journalists to shill for their programs while posing as legit journalists and pundits?

But of course, not a peep about the federal government being caught breaking the law and literally spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy whore journalists to promote their agenda.


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