June 20, 2005

Interesting Letter to the Editor

From the Times:

For a long time in life I never quite knew where I fit in. Let's review. White male Christian, been married to the same woman for 25 years, two children and a dog, own a gun and like to go hunting. I'm not gay so what gay people do is not my business. I pay taxes and I live in a civilized society funding the general welfare is not something I have a problem with.

If stateless terrorists attack the country I live in, the military I fund should hunt them down. The country that funded the attack should be held accountable.

Last but not least: If I have a problem with a medical procedure because of my spiritual belief, I don't do it.

When a society starts to use the Bible as a guide to implement and make law the outcome is disaster. The devil will quote scripture to his benefit, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I think being conservative is not a bad thing. I wish everybody that claims to be one would remember what being conservative means.
I think there are thousands of people who have always considered themselves "conservative" who are wondering just what the hell has happened since this gang of faux-Christian thugs and neocons hijacked the movement and the country.

The Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld gang is no more traditional conservatives than I am. They are truly radical in their desire to change this country into something that I believe no one, not even conservatives, would like it to become.


At 6/21/2005 6:29 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

The gentleman that wrote this letter to the editor did indeed sign it. His name was published along with it, of course.

I didn't include it as his perspective was the thing I wanted to present.

The author of the letter is Ray Donahue of Bettendorf


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