July 21, 2006

"Honor and Dignity" YouTube-a-rama

Remember that campaign speil where they said Bush would return "honor and dignity" to the White House? I do to.

I set out to bring you a couple clips showing what an undignified clod Bush was, but those instances seem nearly endless. Here are but a few, though there's plenty.

Pop up some popcorn, gather the family around and enjoy.

Dave Letterman kindly compiled 10 of Bush's more dignified moments for us.

But that wasn't up to date.

More recently, Bush molested German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G8 conference. Looks like it hurt.

And here we have a stark example of Bush's deep thinking, table maners, and coarse language. Contrast Bush's thought process to Blair's. Blair had to be thinking, "How do I get through to this idiot?"

And this one... my God. It pretty much says it all about Bush. (Keep your eye on the background)

Bush, a deep thinker.

And of course, as a man of God, Bush never lies.

and of course, he has impecable manners.

and for your tragi-comic enjoyment, here's some more prime Bush moments. (though the laugh track is goofy.)

I give you, the leader of the free world, two term U.S. president George W. Bush.


At 7/22/2006 5:19 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

It takes quite a man to admit that they voted for this guy TWICE. I've got to admire your honesty. (but HOW did you get fooled TWICE??!!)

At any rate, thanks for reminding me of the Reagan/Danny Thomas story! Cracked me up!!

I'd forgotten all about that, though I do recall hearing about it. It's really mind-boggling, isn't it?

That's why I was SO frustrated to hear all these pundits and voters saying they liked Bush because he seemed like an 'average guy', was 'like them', and a guy they could imagine having a beer with.

For God's sake!! How stupid is that? I don't want the guy two stools down from me at the bar to be leader of the free world!!

I freaking want someone SMARTER and more capable than I am as president! I'd be scared to death if an 'average guy' was president. And as we've seen, it doesn't work out too well.

The notion that Bush is somehow an "average guy" is laughable, as he's a member of the elite of the elite. But he's certainly average when it comes to intellectual capacity. I think that would be hard to argue.

If people continue to vote for someone that they feel is as stupid and ignorant as they are, and to buy the line that someone like Gore or Kerry are "too smart" or "know-it-alls" as was pushed so relentlessly by the press, we'll continue to have morons elected president.

Leave it to Rove to make stupidity and ignorance a virtue and intelligence and knowledge a liability.

At 7/23/2006 12:39 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Easy there diehard.

I feel your pain, but everyone makes mistakes.

I think Nico may be a recovering Republican, and as such, he deserves our support and encouragement. What's past is past.

"One day at a time", I think the saying goes.

I'm sure Nico feels bad enough already. ;-)

At 7/23/2006 12:56 AM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Nico, your Stevenson quote is classic! ha!

And a perfect example that the funniest humor contains a large dose of truth!

At 7/24/2006 10:53 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Well put Nico,
And you've observed what, to me, is probably the single most frustrating aspect to modern politics, the crass "marketing" to the stupidest common denominator.

It's ok if a smart guy employs it and does good work once in office, but the fact is that too many truly stupid and intellectually warped or simply shallow goofs slip into office somehow, usually based on BS negative campaigns or some other chicanery.

This system need to be purged of all the ideological zealots on the right and brought back to some semblance of balance and sanity.

At 7/25/2006 11:44 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Of course there are extremists on both sides.

But beyond that, I'd just like to make a few points.

First of all, Michael Moore doesn't spout lunacy while claiming the authority of God.

Secondly, though it's become popular for the right to label Moore a poster boy for extremism or whatever, I challenge you to name examples where he's been that far out of line that many times.

Where has he ever said anything that could even remotely compare to the very popular and MUCH more often seen and heard right wing whack-jobs such as Coulter, Robinson (his own damn network) and the dozens of right wing zealots on the right that populate Fox and other outlets from coast to coast 24/7.

As a matter of fact, when's the last time you've even seen or heard Moore? The only reason he became the object of right wing vilification is that he exposed Bush for what he is. It's a shame more people didn't take him seriously at the time.

And lastly, you should be cautious in using ONE PERSON as somehow representitive of "limosine liberals", whatever the hell that is.

The guy you cite has issues, and they may be legitimate. But that doesn't mean that he's a racist. He IS teaching black kids, after all, something I doubt you'd find many hard core Republicans doing at all. They'd rather sit back and try to cut funding to the school instead or try to enforce religious indoctrination on these kids by a "school choice" scheme.

But one person shouldn't be used to tar an entire group.

Meanwhile, there is an unending string of stories of radicals and ideologues, and fundys who are literally perverting our very form of government.

I think that's a little more serious.

At 7/25/2006 11:47 PM, Blogger The Inside Dope said...

Of course there are extremists on both sides.

But beyond that, I'd just like to make a few points.

First of all, Michael Moore doesn't spout lunacy while claiming the authority of God.

Secondly, though it's become popular for the right to label Moore a poster boy for extremism or whatever, I challenge you to name examples where he's been that far out of line that many times.

Where has he ever said anything that could even remotely compare to the very popular and MUCH more often seen and heard right wing whack-jobs such as Coulter, Robinson (his own damn network) and the dozens of right wing zealots on the right that populate Fox and other outlets from coast to coast 24/7.

As a matter of fact, when's the last time you've even seen or heard Moore? The only reason he became the object of right wing vilification is that he exposed Bush for what he is. It's a shame more people didn't take him seriously at the time.

And lastly, you should be cautious in using ONE PERSON as somehow representitive of "limosine liberals", whatever the hell that is.

The guy you cite has issues, and they may be legitimate. But that doesn't mean that he's a racist. He IS teaching black kids, after all, something I doubt you'd find many hard core Republicans doing at all. They'd rather sit back and try to cut funding to the school instead or try to enforce religious indoctrination on these kids by a "school choice" scheme.

But one person shouldn't be used to tar an entire group.

Meanwhile, there is an unending string of stories of radicals and ideologues, and fundys who are literally perverting our very form of government and whose desires to create their bizarre notion of world order have utterly ignored history, the constitution, morality, and the advice of intelligence professionals to have their little wars, kill thousands of inocents, and screw things up so badly that we're on the brink of a world war.

It makes whining about Moore almost comical.

I think that's a little more serious.


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