January 4, 2006

Abramoff scandal direct result of Republican "K Street Strategy", Hastert gives back dirty money

WASHINGTON — The corruption investigation surrounding lobbyist Jack Abramoff shows the significant political risk that Republican leaders took when they adopted what had once seemed a brilliant strategy for dominating Washington: turning the K Street lobbying corridor into a cog of the GOP political machine.

Abramoff thrived in the political climate fostered by GOP leaders, including Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), who have methodically tried to tighten the links between the party in Congress and business lobbyists, through what has become known as the "K Street Project."

GOP leaders, seeking to harness the financial and political support of K Street, urged lobbyists to support their conservative agenda, give heavily to Republican politicians and hire Republicans for top trade association jobs. Abramoff obliged on every front, and his tentacles of influence reached deep into the upper echelons of Congress and the Bush administration.

Now, in the wake of a plea agreement in which Abramoff will cooperate in an influence-peddling investigation that might target a number of lawmakers, some Republicans are saying that the party will need to take action to avoid being tarnished.

"This is going to be a huge black eye for our party," said Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Ill.), a senior member close to House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). "Denny's going to have to be very tough and really speak out against people who are indicted. He's going to have to do it quickly and decisively and frequently."

Hastert moved Tuesday to inoculate himself from the scandal by announcing that he would give to charity about $60,000 he received from Abramoff and his clients. He is the latest of several lawmakers who have returned or redirected money they received from Abramoff-related sources.
Don't buy the "Everybody does it" spin now being spewed by the Republicans. This is a Republican scandal, and I'd be surprised if any Dems are involved.

Abramoff was a Bush "Pioneer", one of the fat-cats who agreed to raise huge sums for the Bush campaigns, and is as tight as thieves, literally, with the entire Republican leadership.

Been wondering how the wacko right took over the country? Pay close attention to this scandal and you'll get a good peek at the Mafia tactics the Republicans have used to gain and expand their power.

The "K Street Project" has been operating for years and was well known. Delay let it be known that unless lobbying firms got rid of Democrats and hired Republican operatives in their place, the Republicans would give them the cold shoulder.

The Republican leadership has given us the best government money can buy.


At 1/04/2006 3:15 PM, Blogger HRC said...

No way can Hastert just donate the money (that was OK to take in the first place?) to charity and walk away.

First question -- which I have asked many times, and in many situations -- is what the hell Denny Hastert needs with $60,000 from anyone.

He's a 3:1 winner in his district every time.


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